Yup, Defoe's finally back in 2000AD soon this year in..... THE LONDON HANGED!!!!
Written by Pat Mills and drawn by myself, this will be our SIXTH book of Defoe! Can't wait for you to see it, so here's a few little teasers....
(And yes, Defoe has lost a little weight by staying away from 17th century Krispy Kremes...)
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
So yes, the final issue of the US format collected Aquila came out this month from 2000AD/Rebellion.
You can find the CBR preview here (with a gorgeously creepy Dave Kendall cover), but here's the interior pages written by Gordon Rennie, drawn by me, coloured by Dylan Teague and lettered by Annie Parkhouse....
I hope you enjoy it! I'll do some more Aquila "making of" features soon when the dust has settled.
Available in all good comics shops now, or digitally at the 2000AD online store!
It marks my final trip into the world of Aquila. Drawing two separate historical fantasy strips (this and Defoe) for 2000AD can get a bit much sometimes with all the research involved, so I'm aching to do some sci-fi!!!!