Monday, 2 June 2008


DEFOE is back in 2000AD Prog 1589 this Wednesday and runs for 10 weeks!!!

You can find it in WHSMITHS and all comic shops with good taste.

Written by Pat (creator of 2000AD) Mills, and drawn by me, Leigh (looks good in a mankini) Gallagher, DEFOE will hit you in the gut harder than a midgit with a sledgehammer!!!!!

GO BUY!!!!!!!! (And make my girlfriend understand why I've locked myself in my studio for months!)


  1. Hi Mate,
    just got this weeks 2000ad....:)
    Sweet sweet inks, seeing your B/W makes me want to dig out my old pens and brushs. Lovely stuff.
    Just had a quick look at your JLU art.
    Again beutiful work man....
    I told you my son is a big fan of the series and he has his own little comic collection and JLU/ and Legion comics but did I tell you I have nearly 80 Justice League figures....should I admit that :)
    great work leigh. Hope your deadline went ok.

  2. Thanks buddy!

    Yeah, well I've got 81 figures, so nah nahhhh....

  3. Hey Leigh, just picked up the prog. Great stuff man. You know i like my black-and-white, and i like my mankinis too! How could i lose?

    Seriously tho, great stuff man. Congrats. You get a big pat on the back from me ....ah hell ....and a little cuddle too.


  4. Really appreciate that my friend.
    Watch the cuddles though--don't want Will getting jealous....

  5. I bought this issue just to see the whole finished strip. Excellent work, really atmospheric. When my young son looked at the cover he said, "Man, that's one huge affro!" Really made me chuckle.

  6. REALLY appreciate that Andy! This outing of Defoe seems to be pretty popular--now I just need to finish the final episode!
    Though I'll never look at that cover the same way now...
