Friday, 30 September 2011


Helloooo...well here's a scan of the official announcement of the new/old (we'll explain that later) series I'll be drawing for 2000AD...AQUILA! Written by Gordon Rennie! All I can say right now is that it's set in Roman times....

We'll have a 10 page prologue coming out at the end of the year, with a full series following at some point. Even though the above image is black and white, the final strip will be coloured by that ridiculously talented artist/ 12 year old boy, Dylan Teague! Can't wait!

For now, I'm busy working on a 6 part Judge Dredd written by THE John Wagner and various bits for the BBC.

Busy, busy busy...

More soon!



  1. New/Old series, hurrah! Lucky boy having Dylan on colours, he'll do an amazing job. And nice job having a 6 part Wagner Dredd! Its all smelling like roses :)

  2. Thanks matey. Yeah, things are going ok right now. Lots of stuff lined up!

  3. I have a feeling this is all going to be very cool :)

  4. Cheers Rob! HOPEFULLY readers will think so. I'm looking forward to seeing the script for the main series.

  5. Well, what to say? Chuffin' FANTASTIC first episode there. Can honestly say, i got the same level of Thrillpower when gazing at Glenn Fabry's work on Slaine The High King. There's a new #1 in the Prog for me now.

  6. Ha! Thanks mate. I've been told I'll be getting the first script for the full series from Gordon next month!

  7. Brilliant. Kinda gutting that the Number 1 Thrill in the BigProg was just a teaser - but at least our whatnots have been well and truely whetted
