Saturday, 8 September 2012


Well now that the wedding's over I should have more time for the sexy, sexy blog!

Above is the 2000AD cover (featuring Aquila part 6) from a couple of weeks back when I was off on honeymoon.

I'll admit when The Mighty Tharg asked for a cover featuring Boudicca on her chariot, charging through Romans, my toned buttocks clenched. I knew it was going to be a tough muther bugger....

And so when  submitting roughs, I tried to get away with a closer composition with one of her horses just off camera so I didn't have to draw both, but he didn't fall for it and went with the second version...

Final pencils.
Inks. I started to feel ALOT better about it at this point, feeling it was coming together well.
As with the previous Aquila cover, I carried on with my experimentation of adding an ink wash...

Hiding the wash layer for a bit, I did the colour flats (still hate this part!)...

Shading then FINISHED! All the elements brought together below! Despite how I was dreading this at the start, I was pretty damn happy with it in the end. Especially when I saw it with all cover elements added.

Right you buggers, go see the new DREDD film OUT NOW!!!


  1. Great stuff. Love all these behind the scenes pieces - keep 'em coming!

  2. Cheers man! Just made up to hear that Dave Gibbons has been very complimentary about it!

    Oh, and just pimped your model!
