Thursday, 22 November 2012


Yup, you heard me: AWESOME!!!

Though you know what, it always is. Year after year the lovely Lisa Wood, Clark Burscough, Nabil Homsi, and the rest of the lovely Team TB put on a show that EVERYONE wants to go to. It really is one of the best comic cons out there, and still growing!

All the drawings you see here were pre ordered commissions. Think the Ghost Rider may have been my favourite!

Always great to see old friends at these events, just a shame that there's so many of us, we never seem to have enough quality time on a one to one basis. I won't try mentioning names, as I'll miss someone out and feel bad, but you all know who you amazing people are!

This time I only opted to do a signing slot with my fellow 2000AD droids, but that kept me plenty busy enough! Did a few sketches too, though I feel bad that my very first signing on Saturday, I forgot to offer the young lad and his mother a sketch (I signed 2 copies of 2000AD for you, and showed you a preview of Aquila), so if that was you please drop me a comment or email, and I'll mail you a sketch! (Probably best include proof it was you!)
The 2000AD panel (Al Ewing, Simon Davis, Simon Fraser, Rob Williams, Robbie Morrison, Lee Carter, Michael Molcher and myself) expertly hosted by Iz McCauliffe and Stacey Whittle was informative, completely inappropriate, and FUN! And they provided cakes, so from now on I demand that they host every panel from now on! Though I STILL didn't get a chance to tell my favourite story due to the panel running out of time!!!

(Photos by the HILARIOUS and very lovely Stacey Taylor.)

Managed to get my copy of the fabulous Thought Bubble Anthology from Image Comics, in which I drew Ivan Brandon's story "I'M THROUGH!". The comic is a beautiful package, and I'm made up to hear it's been getting great reviews!

I managed to pick up a few books from some talented buddies, that I'll pimp very soon in a future post.

A brief shout out to the Comics Anonymous gang who I managed to squeeze in a charity "Sketch off" session, being called upon to draw the Joker as a cheerleader(?), and a quick hi to the MOMBCAST gang, with apologies again to Nick (Nick!Nick!) (in joke sorry).

Have to say, the big party in the gorgeous Corn Exchange building was epic! What a venue for a bash! And despite months of preparation, Geek Syndicate's Barry Nugent still kicked my bum in our dance year Nuge, next year, you will bow to me....

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