Here's a quick walk through the stages of the first page of my most recent Judge Dredd strip in the latest Megazine (the making of the cover can be found here), from Robbie Morrison's script, to my roughs, pencils and inks, Abigail Ryder's colours, and finally letters by Annie Parkhouse. Enjoy!

Excellent, mate...I really enjoy these making of's.
So has Dog Soldiers whetted your appetite for more Dredd?
Thanks man. Yeah, I'd probably like to take another crack one day, but god knows when that'll be. Once this Defoe is done I'm doing an 18 page story with Leah Moore and John Reppion for an anthology, then it's probably onto the next Defoe!
This kind of thing is fascinating and much appreciated. Helped by the presence of some damn fine art too!!
How long did this take you? There is so much detail in there (as we've come to expect), which largely comes in during the inking stage, it is amazing and a little intimidating - so I was curious (plus I'm nosey).
Hey Emperor, much appreciated sir.
This page was actually one of the easiest pages to do (a nice big close up to start with, no complicated backgrounds, and not a huge amount of characters), but I didn't have a tight deadline for it, so it probably took around 3 days to do.
Once I've got over the current stressful period I'm in, I'll post some more up.
There's something I think you should know...
The last Bionicle comic EVER came out, and Greg thanked every comic artist Bionicle'd ever had, except, wait for it...
You. He forgot you. This was either an error on his part r the company's, but your name didn't show up.
Fly on,
Well THAT'S a bit of a kick in the nuts!
Surprised the series is coming to an end as well.
Cheers for letting me know DJ.
Excellent stuff, as always! Keep the posts coming when you can, I know how busy things can be. N
Ah, Mr Roberts! Thanks man! Yeah, things are a bit hectic right now. As soon as I've got this next Defoe done I'll do a post. At present it wouldn't be very responsible of me to be messing around on here when our boss is waiting on me!
It's a shame what the coloring does to your beautiful black and white line work. Tell Pat that he needs to get another color artist to do the colors. This just doesn't work and it ruins your wonderful line work.
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