Don't you hate it when people have incriminating photos of you with a goat? That's how writer Kieron (no more beard)Gillen and artist Jamie (can't grow a beard)Mckelvie got me to draw a 4 page back up story for issue 3 of PHONOGRAM: THE SINGLES CLUB, out in February!
It's a very clever, witty story for fans of the original series, as well as a great recap for new readers. It involved me using 2 different drawing styles, so I can't wait to see how it's turned out when coloured and lettered...
There's also a SECOND back up strip drawn by Lee O'Connor--God knows what they've got on that guy to make him do this...probably kidnapped his dog or something...
This very cool, imaginative cover is drawn by McKelvie himself. His interior work is even better! Though I would never say that to his face.
So preorder this series at your local comic book shop NOW!
Why are you still reading this??? Go order!!!!
Well so much for taking a month off to recover....unexpected work commitments forced me to cut it down by 2 weeks, so apologies for those waiting for the "studio tour"--I'll get to it as soon as I can. My room is once again covered in Bionicles, cake wrappers and underwear--and you don't wanna see that (though if you do, maybe you should try one of those specialist sites that charge you £20 a month...).
So for now, here's more random Defoe pages. Defoe Book 2 has recently concluded in 2000AD, and seems to have gone down well with readers. I've already got Pat Mill's script for Book 3 and it's fantastic! There's so much happening in the first episode and the pacing is sooo good, I can't wait to get into it!
Also on my list this year is an album cover and a 4 page backup story for these lovely guys.
See ya,