Helloooo....just a reminder that I'll have a table (C7 in the Comics Village) this Saturday only at London's MCM Expo. The actual event is for the whole weekend, but this is a new event for me so I just wanted to spend the Sunday just wandering around, enjoying it as a spectator for once. From what I've heard, this convention is HUGE and there's loads of guests from the world of comics, anime, film and tv, so I can't wait!
Anyway, for the Saturday at my table, I'll be doing the usual sketches, selling copies of the Defoe collection, and I may have some limited edition prints to sell.
See you there--just look out for the zombie baby display stand!
Just wanted to thank you agian for drawing the two Bionicles (Lewa & Titan Takanuva)& giving us interview :)! We'll edit the footage & upload the interview soon,Check out my YouTube page- www.YouTube.com/Azard3
Thank you agian :)
Raza (guy with the cap :P )
Hello Leigh,
just thought I'd say thanks for the sketch of my son, Sam, as one of the zombies out of Defoe.
It was very nice to meet you and your girlfriend and grab a quick chat as you drew Sam, under pressure, as he kept looking away.
I am constantly amazed at the way artists can, from a blank page produce something so good at conventions, mainly due to all the distractions.
I must say, I'm now looking forward to your take on Dredd, now that I've looked down your blog. It's always interesting to see how an artist puts his flair into the world of Dredd.
All the best Leigh.
P.S. I hope to get a Dredd sketch from you at the next con that I see you at.
Hey Raza guy with the! My pleasure mate--just sorry your Bionicle sketches weren't my best. Very much looking forward to checking out the vid!
John! Hey mate, it was great to finally meet the famous Commando Forces, and Sam was great! Thanks for the compliments sir. I'll be putting up photos from the event later today!
I will definately do you a Dredd sketch mate.
Take care,
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