Unfortunately I can't make this weekend's Birmingham show (gotta get this Dredd story finished), but I'm signed up for London MCM Expo on Sat 24th October, and also Leeds Thought Bubble on Sat 21st November!
Right, I think he needs feeding again....
Haha, that's well good. But are you going to use ti to scare the crap out of people, hope so.
I bought Defoe 1666 the other day, i'm halfway through it now. I like it :) Issac Newton making weapons for Defoe to kill zombies, what's not to like! The artwork is brill, did you illustrate it on it your own?
Whats this about a triumphant leap?
Well, I 'm gonna be curious to see peoples faces as they pass me at a con...
Cheers for buying 1666! Yeah, Pat dreams up all the wacky ideas--I'm merely his puppet.
And yeah, the artwork is all me dude!
As for the triumphant leap, wouldn't YOU try and do the same if Tharg offered you a job? The trick is to try and do it manly, and not look like an extra from FAME.
See ya.
I'm impressed man, that's a lot of work, but I'd say it's well worth it, i enjoyed 1666 a lot, finished it last night :) what's next though haha, is the following part of the story out yet?
There's worse puppet masters to have, you could belong to Amy Winehouse or something :S
Haha, I'd probably do something lamer like making a fist then pulling my arm towards me shouting YES, like a 6 year old, or Beavis. How do you do your manly leap? with a grimace on your face while clubbing a Seal, I bet the kids from fame wouldn't do THAT! Ha!
Thanks man!
Well the third book of Defoe finished being serialized in 2000AD some weeks back. In November I'll be starting Book 4 and once that's finished I guess it'll be collected as a graphic novel with the previous book. The graphic novels will always collect 2 books at a time you see.
Before then I've got a 2 part Judge Dredd story to do for the monthly Megazine, as I just needed a break from drawing zombies and the 17th century. Can't really get any further away then drawing the 22nd century!
Cool, I'll prob end up waiting for the collection. How long does it take you to complete one book? I might check out Kingdom while I wait patiently for Defoe then, that looks interesting.
I saw a film last night you might be interested in, it's called renaissance. It's an animated film, but it's done in a pen and ink sort of way, by com though.
Haha, just remember to out Dredd in Judges helmet and not a broad brimmed hat and ringlets, although that would be funny =P
Good luck with the work, sounds like you're a busy man.
Usually takes around 6-7 months to get a single book done, so I'm guessing it'll be at least a year before the next graphic novel comes out.
Cheers for recommending that film--the trailer looked pretty impressive!
Take care
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