Wednesday 25 January 2012


Hey guys, thought it was about time I started advertising the sale of my original pages. I've always sold work privately, but I have SO MUCH lying around, I need to start shifting it.

All pages are india ink on A3 bristol board or cartridge paper.
As with other art sales I have such as:
OK, all prices are ABOVE each page and add £7 postage if in the UK, elsewhere in the universe we'll talk. Thanks!.

If interested in any, email me at and Payment is accepted via PAYPAL or bank transfer.


WEREWOLF! This was done for a possible trading card for Renegade Arts Entertainment. A very favourite image of mine. Actual inked image size is A4 on an A3 board. 

SHERLOCK. Recent sketch inspired by the tv show. A4 Pencils. PRICE £60

 SERAPH! Pre-lim design for 2000AD's Defoe. A3 pencils. PRICE: £70

HELLBOY. Unpublished. Purely done for myself. Another favourite image of mine. A3 inked illustration. 
PRICE: £250

PHONOGRAM: THE SINGLE CLUB. This is the hilarious 4 page backup story "David Kohl: Phonomancer" written by Kieron Gillen. Inked art on 11.5x17 inch board. PRICE: £65 for each individual page.

2000AD ZARJAZ FANZINE COVER. Double spread cover for the "FLESH" inspired issue of Zarjaz issue 10. A3 inked. PRICE £100

1 comment:

Carl said...

Awessome blog you have here