Before I get stuck into the next Defoe book, I've a few small jobs to get out the way--looking forward to drawing a werewolf for one of them!
In the meantime, I visited Tharg at the 2000AD Nerve Centre and passed him this Judge Dredd sketch, hoping that one day he'll let me draw him....
I shall return in a couple days with another "making of" feature for the Defoe 1666 graphic novel cover.
Wear something pretty...
Congrats on finishing and enjoy the jelly babies!
Sweet Dredd sketch.
Might have to add it to list i am getting together for thought bubble
Are you gonna be sketching there?
Thanks guys! happy that I rejoin the human race again.
Ash, yeah matey, I'll be sketching there.
aha a defoe graphic novel out just before my birthday ! must buy it for midnight reading lol,
must say i've been enjoying your work alot in 2000ad :-)
Thanks alot Jon! You won't even have to wait till the 15th for the book as Amazon are actually shipping it early--I can vouch as the git postman got me out of bed this morning....
If Tharg doesn't beg you to draw Dredd, then he's clearly eaten too many polystyrene cups, and gone crazy. This is gorgeous!!
Cheers Ed! don't worry mate, I can confirm that Tharg had indeed given me a 2 part Dredd script for the Megazine!
Thats sweet news Leigh
Thanks man--I admit that did jump up and down like a girl.
Matt really is the best editor in the biz!
Yup, he is indeed. I owe him big time for giving me Defoe.
Come on! Giving you? I can't imagine it would have been a patch as good with a different artist.
Ha! Thanks man. I don't really know what to say to that....
Hey Leigh, I just sent you an email to the addy listed on your blogger contact page. Does that actually go anywhere? Every time I use an email on someone's site it seems to be a deadened, so I thought I should check :)
Hey man, yeah I replied to it straight away last night. i'll try again if you didn't get it. But basically the answer's yes!
Hey Edward, did you just ask Leigh out by email!?!
Only joking! Just wanna say I love your work Leigh, can't wait to see what you come up with for Dredd! I love your black and white stuff but can't wait to see you in colour!
Pete - How did you guess.
We went out for dinner and a movie. It was a magical night, and we took a long walk along the beach, looking at the beautiful starlit sky.
Then we went back to his house for coffee, and he did a nude sketch of me. It will be in the next volume of Defoe, being ravaged by zombie whores...
Oh no, we ain't starting that whole "is Leigh male or female?" debate again....I should really put a post up about that....
Cheers very much Pete! I'm kind of curious how it'll be coloured as well to be honest. Won't be starting it for another week or so though
Ed: Eww...
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