Hey guys, I've got another "Something From The Vaults" coming soon, but in the meantime I'd like to wish you all a fantastic holiday and New Year. Sorry I didn't have time to come up with a festive drawing--you'll all have to make do with this image above!
I'd like to thank everyone sincerely for contributing to a great year I've had, and especially being kind enough to visit this bloggy regularly. I wish you all success in whatever it is you strive for.
I've finally managed to cross off a major thing in my "Life List", this being to have a collection of my work on shelves that I'm proud of, and I've done that with Defoe 1666 and also the recently released Bionicle collection! Hopefully 2010 will be a year that I can cross another thing off that list (Heather Grahem, Michelle Ryan and baby oil)....
Anyhoo, sorry again for the delay in posting more drawings--I'm currently in the process of revamping my studio, with the big difference being a brand spanking new drafting table! I love it so much, I'm gonna give it a girl's name....
Have fun and lots of mince pies!
Merry Christmas to you and your good lady Leigh.
Best you and Pat get the next collected volume of Defoe out sharpish as I'm getting withdrawl symptoms.
All the best for the coming 12 months, John
Hey John! Thanks mate, I hope you and Sam had a great one!
Believe me, I'm anxious to get the next Defoe out myself...
oh man, i daydream about that... nooo i mean the drafting table of course, ithanQew etc, i'm making do with a drawing board at the moment...hopefully that'll change soon!
Defoe is certainly something to be proud of, let alone dredd, bionicle et al. Here's looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2010..Have a good one, mate
Cheers Rob! Well, I've just finished taking photos for an updated Studio Tour, so I'll be showing off my new baby very soon...
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