On Saturday 12th September,2pm at London's Orbital Comics, I'll be signing Defoe 1666 along with writer Pat Mills, who will also be signing with his other incredible ABC Warriors artist, Clint Langley! It's a triple whammy of comic book coolness!
Check out that poster--it's Battle of the Hairdos 2009, but there can only be one winner...
Really looking forward to it, so hope to see you there!
Doesn't look like i am gonna be able to make it.
At a mini-con in leeds this weekend and wont be able to get down to london.
Hope it goes well
Actually, your hair obsession is slightly disturbing me now. WIG! WIG!!!!
No worries Ash, enjoy the mini con (i was asked to that as well but couldn't make it).
Simon, but it's a REALLY NICE wig.
That sucks Leigh
Will just have to wait till thought bubble to get my Defoe signed
Man, living on a small island in Western Canada sucks. I can't go to the British signings, and no US comic people ever come to town.
Somebody needs a huuug....
Sorry mate, if I could afford to fly you out I would.
Hah! Cheeky bugger!
By the way, didn't they have a more recent picture of Pat? Seems odd :)
Yeah, I know, 20 years old that photos of him is!
have a great time ,give my regards to pat and clint
Thanks alot Jon! I'll give them a hug from you.
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