For those of you who don't know, I did a very in depth studio tour way back here.
Since then, I've made quite a few on.....
As you can see, my shiny, expensive drafting table has finally arrived! So it was a tearful farewell to my old, loyal, homemade table of 12 years or so. It served me well....

This baby is specially weighted so I can adjust the height or rotation at the press of a foot pedal, with a lever to change the tilt. Also got me one of those "daylight lamps"--we'll see if they're any better than regular lamps....

With the table I also purchased this special stationary tray that fits onto the side of it.
Earlier this year I got sick of going through laptops like underwear, so decided to join the cult of the IMac. Had a pisser of a time trying to get my A3 Mustek scanner to be compatable with it. If anyone has a similar problem, let me know and I'll push you in the right direction.

And beside my moniter is the Judge Dredd helmet replica I puchased from Termight Replicas.
Yeah, I'm vain enough to put up my display stand in my YOU have one?! No! So shut up and leave me alone....
Here's my other life sized Iron Man bust! This was my present to myself after I finished the DC/Lego Bionicle series. Ah, bollocks....I forgot to turn on his light up eyes....

Ok, that your lot! Very happy I got this organized in time for the New Year. Feels like a fresh start, and you wouldn't believe how many refuse sacks of crap I threw out (why the hell did I still have books by Franz Kafka???!!! I don't even read!)

There may even be a THIRD studio tour in six months if we get this house extension sorted out...
Hope you enjoyed this updated tour!
Not Wacom tablet, or Cintiq? I thought you'd have one of those.
I have a Intuos3 9X12, which is gathering dust. Just like all my guitars... I am lazy!
I love the Iron Man bust, that is awesome! And the Defoe banner thingy really makes the room ;)
Actually, a crappy tiny Wacom was one of the things I threw out! Had it for years and could never get used to the damn thing. It felt like the equivalent of drawing with my penis. So naaah, I'm never gonna do a PJ and go digital.
You have lots of nice looking toys and I am now very jealous of your drawing board. Sigh...
That desk looks the business! I want one of those...with the cosy chair and everything!! Not to mention all the things you've got that make me go: 'oh,cooool!'
Damn you rich & famous artiste's
Well Graeme, I'll send you a framed photo of my table. that should make you feel a bit better.
Rob, believe me, I ain't rich or famous---it's a magical device called a "credit card"!
Leigh love the pics.
Man I so want one of those Iron Man busts
Cool room Leigh.
Where did you get the tray for the drawing table,been after one for ages?
Thanks guys!
I got the table tray from a UK online company. Here's the link to the page:
"drawing with my penis" - Hahahah! Classic!
Love these 360 views on folks rooms - haven't done one for ages so cheers for reminding me. And, some neat toys there. Especially jealous of the Iron Man and the Bats bust. Got the smaller money box version but it aint just the same.
I wasn't joking Ed--I've never been able to master the art of drawing with my penis like all the greats do ( Jim Lee, Alan Davis....)
Cheers Mangamax. Believe me, all those toys I have are gonna be the last big spends I do for LONG time...
Hey Leigh, we are on the same psychic wavelength, as I just updated my blog with a phot of my workspace...then a friend of mine posted up that you just did the same....Oh, and yours wins hands down! ;-)
Hey GQ,
Cheers mate! Ahhh you just need to have a few more pics of your studio up that's all. You're looking pretty organized yourself there sir.
If you've not seen them, I'd recommend checking out the archive of Studio tours at CBR, starting with Joe Q here:
Thanks for this (and the previous one)!
I found it really helpful at this end with sorting my own space into a better working order. It's also given me ideas about how to cope under piles of paper!
Much obliged :)
You're very welcome Conor. I also recommend having somewhere to hide a "secret stash" of cakes and sweets that your girlfriend says you eat too much of...
Not a bad work space. I wish I had such a sweet office.
I love your studio space. That drafting table looks amazing. My MDF board is jealous. Especially of the stationary tray. Phwoooar.
im surprised you read superhero books. I thought your office might be full of dusty leather bound tomes, flintlock pistols, and guttering candles. well at least there's a skull.
Heh. Well I've a much cooler, spacious studio now, that I'll post a new tour up whenever I get a free moment! Still no guttering candles though...
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