Hey guys!
Apologies for the lack of posting over this past month--alot's been going on in my private life, plus Tharg at
2000AD has finally given me my final deadlines for Book 3 of Defoe so I've really had to buckle down lately...
Sooo....here's an update on Defoe's (and mine) first ever trade collection. August 15th is the date you need to put in your diaries, or just write it on your forehead so you won't forget. It's already available for preorder at
AMAZON and also at
FORBIDDEN PLANET INTERNATIONAL (who also very kindly named it as a "top graphic novel pick" in the latest news letter! Thanks guys!)
I'll have to see what I can do about the officials listings on these sites as it doesn't have much info this early, and if anybody who's already read Defoe when it was serialised in 2000AD would like to leave an Amazon review, I won't complain!
Also, the cover on the listings isn't the final cover--I should know as I recently finished a digital painting for it, and I'm VERY happy with it...a little peak of it is posted above. Once I get clearance from my bosses I'll post the FULL image.
Normal service to this bloggy will resume next week when I'll post some new panels!