Helloooo.......Above is the cover I did for the latest
JUDGE DREDD MAGAZINE 294, out in stores in the next few days, you lucky ladies!
The Mighty Tharg asked me to come up with a cover based on the cliff hanger ending of the previous episode, with a werewolf pouncing on Dredd...have a guess which version he picked....

So going with my first idea, with Tharg asking me to flip the image, I went to pencils....though would you believe I actually drew this bugger out at least FIVE times! I was never happy with the Dredd/werewolf ratio, as well as deciding whether or not to show his free hand--in the end, deciding not to as I'd have to make Dredd smaller to fit it in, and I also knew that text would cover that section anyway. But here's ONE of the pencilled pages....

Inks...this actually took a couple goes to get right as well...it was part nerves as well, knowing it was my very first Judge Dredd cover, and not wanting to balls it up.

This here is the rocky background I decided to add on a separate layer so that the graphic design droids at
2000AD wouldn't have to "cut around" the werewolf that I knew would be going over some of the logo.

Colours next...no problems here for once!

I faded out the dense blacks on the background so that the foreground characters could stand out more.

All that was left was to dim down the lights, put some Barry White on, and leave these two alone in a room for 20 minutes...eventually they made this....

Ok, that's your lot for now.....NOW GO AWAY!!!