ALRIGHTY! We're back to normal business after an INSANE time....Again I'd like to thank everyone for their kind messages. I'll admit that the amount of attention around the net STUNNED Niki and I, but it's genuinely heartwarming to know that there's so many lovely folk out there.
Ok, I'm a week late posting about this for obvious reasons, but the final part of Defoe: A Murder of Angels appeared in last week's
2000AD Prog 1709 (that you'll still be able to find in all good comic shops!). I had a lot of fun doing this cover so read on....
Right, I actually screwed up with this first rough idea that I submitted months earlier. It was going to be a cool Bernie Wrightson-esque image with the two monsters fighting and Defoe jumping in. BUT, as I was about to draw it, I realized that I bollocked up the timing, as it showed a character that DIED the previous episode.....

So after begging for Tharg's forgiveness, he suggested a cover with the lizard angel about to kill Defoe, and so I had a think on the train, and scribbled down these two ideas on the move...

When I got home, I did them in more detail and sent them to the Big Kahuna, who approved the first idea....

Here's the loose pencils....

And here's the inks, which I THOUGHT were fine, but then I decided I'd send it to Pat Mills one weekend as we were talking, who suggested I show more of Defoe's face...

And he was right (plus you don't argue with the creator of 2000AD!), so here's a patch I did to digitally paste over the original.

I really enjoyed colouring this piece. I had to research various lizard skins for it...

And here's the two different backgrounds I offered. Luckily they went for the red version which I thought "popped" more!

Finally it was then sent to
2000AD designer
Pye Parr, who did a cool job adding the logo and text which you can see at the top of this post!
Ok, more "Making of" posts coming up over the next week. Take care for now!