Sunday, 25 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Finally my latest project, AQUILA, is released upon the world in the mega 100 page year ender issue of 2000AD!!! Check out that beautiful cover by Greg Staples!
I'm very proud to be a part of this special issue as I'm sharing it with a lot of good mates of mine--too many to mention, but all the details of this prog can be found on the 2000AD site here.
As for AQUILA, this issue debuts the 10 page prologue to the series starting later in 2012. It's written by Gordon Rennie, drawn by me, coloured by Dylan Teague, and lettered by my mate Simon Bowland (also letterer of my proposal comic to Niki!) Here's the official blurby thing...
Here's the fantastic logo that put a big smile on my face designed by design bot, Simon Parr, based on the scar on Aquila's chest....
And finally here's a few teaser panels THAT WILL MAKE YOU BUY IT!!!!
Bloody made up with how this project has come together, and can't wait to get started on the series next month!
I'm very proud to be a part of this special issue as I'm sharing it with a lot of good mates of mine--too many to mention, but all the details of this prog can be found on the 2000AD site here.
As for AQUILA, this issue debuts the 10 page prologue to the series starting later in 2012. It's written by Gordon Rennie, drawn by me, coloured by Dylan Teague, and lettered by my mate Simon Bowland (also letterer of my proposal comic to Niki!) Here's the official blurby thing...
Here's the fantastic logo that put a big smile on my face designed by design bot, Simon Parr, based on the scar on Aquila's chest....
And finally here's a few teaser panels THAT WILL MAKE YOU BUY IT!!!!
Bloody made up with how this project has come together, and can't wait to get started on the series next month!
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Ok, I PROMISE that soon I'll be back to posting cool "making of" features, etc soon. But I've just had back to back deadlines for AGES...
For now, check out my latest 6 part Judge Dredd story in 2000AD, called "The Assassination list", written by the legendary John Wagner! It's the next chapter in the ongoing "Day Of Chaos" storyline.
The first part is in 2000AD prog 1759 NOW! Here's a teaser panel (before it's sexily coloured by Chris Blythe and lettered lovingly by Annie Parkhouse).
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Just a quicky post to tell you to head HERE to the awesome 2000AD fan site EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO 2000AD where I've an interview up, talking about the latest Defoe release, the EXCLUSIVE on what my future project AQUILA is, as well as what else I've got coming up in the future! It's Leigh-tastic!!!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
The second collection of DEFOE entitled QUEEN OF THE ZOMBIES is officially released today (13th October) just in time for Halloween, from 2000AD/REBELLION.
Once again, written by comics legend, Pat Mills, and illustrated by "The Most Handsome Man in Comics",um, me, this collection expands on the 17th century zombie world of Defoe and his brethren, introducing the likes of insane clock punks, freaks and even angels!
Personally speaking, this book is THE book to get if you're a fan of my work. I'm genuinely proud of it and can't wait to show it off. As with the original collection, I've gone back to update certain panels that I thought needed tweaking, but no where near the amount that I redrew that first time around.
Again, there's going to be a sketchbook section at the back (18 pages!), including the pencil version of what I envisioned the cover could be for this book, before it was decided to stick with the original zombie baby image (you can find the making for that here).
So please head to your local comic book store and tell them I sent you, with a little wink. They won't give you a discount or anything, but who doesn't like to be winked at?
If you're not lucky enough to have a local comic store, you can head to Amazon through the link at the end of this post (though ignore any mention of a hardcover--they cocked that up--it's paperback only). You can't wink at them unfortunately.
Thanks for your support guys, I really appreciate it. I'll have an interview posted on another site soon with even more info. Hope you enjoy the book!
Friday, 30 September 2011
Helloooo...well here's a scan of the official announcement of the new/old (we'll explain that later) series I'll be drawing for 2000AD...AQUILA! Written by Gordon Rennie! All I can say right now is that it's set in Roman times....
We'll have a 10 page prologue coming out at the end of the year, with a full series following at some point. Even though the above image is black and white, the final strip will be coloured by that ridiculously talented artist/ 12 year old boy, Dylan Teague! Can't wait!
For now, I'm busy working on a 6 part Judge Dredd written by THE John Wagner and various bits for the BBC.
Busy, busy busy...
More soon!
We'll have a 10 page prologue coming out at the end of the year, with a full series following at some point. Even though the above image is black and white, the final strip will be coloured by that ridiculously talented artist/ 12 year old boy, Dylan Teague! Can't wait!
For now, I'm busy working on a 6 part Judge Dredd written by THE John Wagner and various bits for the BBC.
Busy, busy busy...
More soon!
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Yup, I'm back again.
Here's a commission I did for regular viewer of my bloggy, Eric Moore, AKA Mangamax. Eric has started a very interesting new blog entitled SOMEONE OLD, SOMEONE NEW, which asks an artist to draw their own depiction of a classic British comic book character meeting a current day character.
Eric's always been very kind and complimentary towards my work, so it was an honour to add to his collection, drawing my version of Janus Stark vs Defoe, and I'm very happy with how it turned out! You can check out the post HERE, which also shows a couple of my prelim drawings as well, but you have to view the rest of his beautiful collection from the beginning HERE!
OK, planning on doing a few posts over these next couple of days to make up for the dry spell lately due to me working incredibly hard doing the manly work of drawing.
First up: pointing you in the direction of a couple good friends of mine who have got some exceptionally cool stuff out!
Peter Collier is a man with the tiniest ankles I've ever seen in my life, but he's also one of the cleverest men I've known in my life, and so will probably be able to afford a hot tub way before me due to being an exceptional entrepreneur .
He, with his two friends Stephen Cakebread and Ben Ward, set up their own games company this year called HOGROCKET. Their very first game app, TINY INVADERS, is now available on the iTunes store and is quite awesome! It's a ridiculously addictive puzzle game where you play a band of space germs travelling from host to host, in a bid to take over the world by reaching The President!
Addictive gameplay, a soundtrack that will never leave your head, and graphics from a BAFTA award winning animation team, make a game that has " The Leigh Gallagher: Most Handsome Man In Comics" stamp of approval! So head to The app store NOW ! It's well worth it's ridiculously low price! (And I'd really like at least one of us to get a hot tub soon, so we can start "Hot tub Fridays...)
Right, next is....who? Ahh crap, not this guy.....ok, if I have to....this next one is my fellow 2000AD artist (who probably only got the job because 2000AD had to fill their quota of employing little people), and my eternal nemesis, PJ HOLDEN.
Now PJ's always a busy, busy artist, currently working on ROBOCOP VS TERMINATOR (with lovely writer Rob Williams) and the soon to be concluded NUMBERCRUNCHER in the Judge Dredd Megazine (with writer Si Spurrier, who's just as lovely as Rob, but with a lot more hair).
But now, with writer Gordon Rennie (who yours truly shall be working on a new 2000AD series with next year!) has co created....THE DEPT OF MONSTEROLOGY! Never mind the fact that it has a really cool title. Never mind the fact that it has a bloody lovely logo. This series is written by a writer who everyone knows is a genuine talent, with glorious art by PJ that you can tell he's taken his time over. Just look at the preview pages!
Plus, if you didn't get it from the title, it's all about frickin' MONSTERS! I'm actually really jealous PJ's got this gig...
Look for it in the near future published by the nice folks at RENEGADE ARTS ENTERTAINMENT, and check out the Facebook page for lots of behind the scenes cool stuff!
Ok, that's enough of me being selfless....
First up: pointing you in the direction of a couple good friends of mine who have got some exceptionally cool stuff out!
Peter Collier is a man with the tiniest ankles I've ever seen in my life, but he's also one of the cleverest men I've known in my life, and so will probably be able to afford a hot tub way before me due to being an exceptional entrepreneur .
He, with his two friends Stephen Cakebread and Ben Ward, set up their own games company this year called HOGROCKET. Their very first game app, TINY INVADERS, is now available on the iTunes store and is quite awesome! It's a ridiculously addictive puzzle game where you play a band of space germs travelling from host to host, in a bid to take over the world by reaching The President!
Addictive gameplay, a soundtrack that will never leave your head, and graphics from a BAFTA award winning animation team, make a game that has " The Leigh Gallagher: Most Handsome Man In Comics" stamp of approval! So head to The app store NOW ! It's well worth it's ridiculously low price! (And I'd really like at least one of us to get a hot tub soon, so we can start "Hot tub Fridays...)
Right, next is....who? Ahh crap, not this guy.....ok, if I have to....this next one is my fellow 2000AD artist (who probably only got the job because 2000AD had to fill their quota of employing little people), and my eternal nemesis, PJ HOLDEN.
Now PJ's always a busy, busy artist, currently working on ROBOCOP VS TERMINATOR (with lovely writer Rob Williams) and the soon to be concluded NUMBERCRUNCHER in the Judge Dredd Megazine (with writer Si Spurrier, who's just as lovely as Rob, but with a lot more hair).
But now, with writer Gordon Rennie (who yours truly shall be working on a new 2000AD series with next year!) has co created....THE DEPT OF MONSTEROLOGY! Never mind the fact that it has a really cool title. Never mind the fact that it has a bloody lovely logo. This series is written by a writer who everyone knows is a genuine talent, with glorious art by PJ that you can tell he's taken his time over. Just look at the preview pages!
Plus, if you didn't get it from the title, it's all about frickin' MONSTERS! I'm actually really jealous PJ's got this gig...
Look for it in the near future published by the nice folks at RENEGADE ARTS ENTERTAINMENT, and check out the Facebook page for lots of behind the scenes cool stuff!
Ok, that's enough of me being selfless....
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Yup, next Saturday 30th July, I'll be appearing at the very first Manchester MCM! I'll be doing the usual sketches, selling prints, as well as copies of the original Defoe 1666 book (The second collection's out in October!).
This is most likely going to be my FINAL convention of the year, as unfortunately future events, like the wonderful Thought Bubble in November happen on the same day as good friends weddings.
So hope to see you there, and thanks to MCM for using Defoe on their poster!
This is most likely going to be my FINAL convention of the year, as unfortunately future events, like the wonderful Thought Bubble in November happen on the same day as good friends weddings.
So hope to see you there, and thanks to MCM for using Defoe on their poster!
Wowzers...been a have you been? I really like what you've done with your hair....
Ok, so apologies for the lack of updatage lately. Some may know that we went through a NIGHTMARE house move recently, so dealing with all that as well as trying to fit in deadlines on top, put my dear bloggy at the bottom of the list. On the plus side, I have a fantastic new studio, so expect a new tour very soon! Quite a lot going on right now...
I had a great time at May's London MCM. I'd like to say a special "Hey!" to lovely artist Jade Sarson, who took pity on me sitting alone on the Saturday and was just nice to me...and another "Heeeyyy!" to my friends of that wonderful MONKEY ON MY BACK podcast, Jane and Steve who I had cool time hanging about with in the middle of the madness of the con (then later David Wynne who collared me in the mens room!). One more "Heeeeeyyyy!" goes to my two Bionicle friends Azad3 and Knuckles886 (Sorry I didn't catch your REAL names!) who did a video interview with me about my time on the series. You can find that, and my chubby face (Never get filmed from a low angle!) HERE!
Below is a pre booked commission I brought along for a great guy called Ryan, who's amassing an incredible collection of Preacher illustrations for what is known as "The Preacher Project". Click the link and read the wonderful reason WHY he's doing this....
Next up I was happy to do a couple of sketches out of my usual comfort zone, but still two very favourite characters of mine--Panthro and Doctor Who.
I mentioned in a previous post that I had volunteered for the convention's "Writer vs Artist" challenge, which up until that point, the artists had never won. But this time, we kicked their hairy asses! Below is the winning, sexy ass team of Adam Cadwell, Becky Cloonan, Joe List and the voluntarily bald Gary Erskine!
Right, so in other news, my path at 2000AD (check out the cool new website!) has taken an unexpected turn. I'm currently doing some touch ups on pages for the October release of the second Defoe collection "Queen Of The Zombies", but unfortunately that will be the last Defoe work until further notice due to the writer Pat Mills having too much on his plate. Instead, The Mighty Tharg has granted me a brand new series to draw with writer Gordon Rennie! Afraid that's all you're getting from me right now about that one, but I will say that it's another one that requires more bloody research than I'd like!!!
For now, you'll have to make do with my next 2 part Judge Dredd strip in the latest 2000AD JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE issues 312 and 313 out now! Once again I've been teamed up with beardy Al Ewing on writing duties. As I had to do these during the house move, the pages got done in record time! Here's a preview page from the first episode...
Finally, take a look at this....
Yup, tonight I'll be donning the sexy suit to the new Liverpool Museum opening. Loads of incredible stuff to see there, but we'll be there especially to view the MASSIVE football comic strip I've illustrated, mounted on the wall measuring around 3.5 metres by 3 metres. Admittedly I'm a little nervous as I haven't seen it up yet, but I'll be sure to put up a post about this event in the next couple days! I'll leave you with this very tiny teaser from it...
More soon!
Ok, so apologies for the lack of updatage lately. Some may know that we went through a NIGHTMARE house move recently, so dealing with all that as well as trying to fit in deadlines on top, put my dear bloggy at the bottom of the list. On the plus side, I have a fantastic new studio, so expect a new tour very soon! Quite a lot going on right now...
I had a great time at May's London MCM. I'd like to say a special "Hey!" to lovely artist Jade Sarson, who took pity on me sitting alone on the Saturday and was just nice to me...and another "Heeeyyy!" to my friends of that wonderful MONKEY ON MY BACK podcast, Jane and Steve who I had cool time hanging about with in the middle of the madness of the con (then later David Wynne who collared me in the mens room!). One more "Heeeeeyyyy!" goes to my two Bionicle friends Azad3 and Knuckles886 (Sorry I didn't catch your REAL names!) who did a video interview with me about my time on the series. You can find that, and my chubby face (Never get filmed from a low angle!) HERE!
Below is a pre booked commission I brought along for a great guy called Ryan, who's amassing an incredible collection of Preacher illustrations for what is known as "The Preacher Project". Click the link and read the wonderful reason WHY he's doing this....
Next up I was happy to do a couple of sketches out of my usual comfort zone, but still two very favourite characters of mine--Panthro and Doctor Who.
I mentioned in a previous post that I had volunteered for the convention's "Writer vs Artist" challenge, which up until that point, the artists had never won. But this time, we kicked their hairy asses! Below is the winning, sexy ass team of Adam Cadwell, Becky Cloonan, Joe List and the voluntarily bald Gary Erskine!
Finally, I spent the second day of the con with 2000AD, and did my usual big ass Dredd pic to give away. This hideous bunch of chaps lurking around me are incredible artists Simon Davis, Ben Willsher and writer (that I will one day work with) Alec Worley, who DID NOT draw that impressive pic by Clint Langley...
Right, so in other news, my path at 2000AD (check out the cool new website!) has taken an unexpected turn. I'm currently doing some touch ups on pages for the October release of the second Defoe collection "Queen Of The Zombies", but unfortunately that will be the last Defoe work until further notice due to the writer Pat Mills having too much on his plate. Instead, The Mighty Tharg has granted me a brand new series to draw with writer Gordon Rennie! Afraid that's all you're getting from me right now about that one, but I will say that it's another one that requires more bloody research than I'd like!!!
For now, you'll have to make do with my next 2 part Judge Dredd strip in the latest 2000AD JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE issues 312 and 313 out now! Once again I've been teamed up with beardy Al Ewing on writing duties. As I had to do these during the house move, the pages got done in record time! Here's a preview page from the first episode...
Yup, tonight I'll be donning the sexy suit to the new Liverpool Museum opening. Loads of incredible stuff to see there, but we'll be there especially to view the MASSIVE football comic strip I've illustrated, mounted on the wall measuring around 3.5 metres by 3 metres. Admittedly I'm a little nervous as I haven't seen it up yet, but I'll be sure to put up a post about this event in the next couple days! I'll leave you with this very tiny teaser from it...
More soon!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Just in the middle of a nightmare house move, but I wanted to take a few minutes to promote the Spirit Of Hope charity comic that I'm proud to be a contributor to.
After the terrible Japan tsunami and New Zealand earthquakes occurred, The Comic Book Alliance reached out to the professional comic community, and the end result is a beautiful comic anthology featuring stories and pin ups by 92 creators to be released in June, with proceeds going to Japan charity Second Harvest, and the New Zealand Red Cross.
Readers here will know that I have wonderful memories of Japan, as Tokyo is where I proposed to Niki last November. The illustration I donated is at the top of this post.
The book will have two fantastic covers to choose from, also seen at the top of this post. You can order it online from The Comic Book Alliance here, and find more about the book from the Facebook page here.
I've seen the pages myself, and you won't regret it ordering it.
Take care,
Wednesday, 25 May 2011

I have my own table in the Comic Village for Saturday, where as usual, I'll be doing free head sketches and giving grooming tips. On the merchandise front, I'll have some copies of the original Defoe collection ( still awaiting Book 2 out in October!), BUT ALSO I've permission from the great THARG himself to do limited edition prints of some of my favourite 2000AD covers!
Each A3 print is on shiny, shiny card stock and limited to only 25 copies, priced at £10 each, all signed and numbered by me. Once you buy it, you're free to frame it, or glue it to your chest, or eat it in a sandwich....up to you!
The three new prints are as follows.....
2000AD prog 1643(click for info)
Defoe 1666 Book 1(click for info)
On Sunday I'll be spending the day at 2000AD's booth and may do one of those big ass drawings to give away in a raffle. (See the recent SFX Weekender post for an example!)
Also on Sunday, I've signed up for the writers vs artists Pictionary contest at 3pm, where astonishingly the artists have NEVER won! We shall see about that....
(Not really, I'm crap at Pictionary...)
There's a link to the floor plan where you can find me HERE.
See you there!
(UPDATE: Afraid the print quality isn't really what I'd hoped on some of the prints I just picked up, so I'll just have a handful of them to sell this Saturday, sorry.)
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Hey guys,
Sorry for the wait on these. You know how it is: you start looking in the mirror at "The Most Handsome Man In Comics", and before you know it, two weeks have gone by! Weird...
OK, so here's the making of one of my favourite pages from the two part Judge Dredd story, "What The Hitler Saw" that I worked on from the recent 2000AD Prog 1729. As you know by now, it all starts with a script. This one by the very beardy Al Ewing....
Next up is my VERY rough layout. What I like about the opportunity to work on Dredds is that I'm allowed to go wild with the compositions on my layouts, as opposed to the strict panel grids I use on Defoe. I think this layout works well depicting the sense of struggle between the chubby bloke and the Hitler lookalike.
Yup, you guessed it, inks...
And here's a scan of the final printed page with colours by the lovely Eva De La Cruz, and lettering by the seductive Annie Parkhouse (I've never met Annie, but I'm guessing she is.)
Another post coming up in the next couple days about a piece I did for a Japan charity book coming out soon.
Bye bye.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Ok so in this weeks 2000AD Prog 1728 begins the two part Judge Dredd "What The Hitler Saw", written by beardy Al Ewing, art by me, lovely colours by Eva De La Cruz, and sexy letters by Annie Parkhouse!
It's bloody great to have another crack at Dredd! I'll do a making of a page post soon, but for now, there was a nice surprise hidden for me on the first page....
A closer look at the credits box....
Finally proof of what you've known all this time, but were too afraid to admit....
(A big kiss to 2000AD's Simon Parr!)
Ok so in this weeks 2000AD Prog 1728 begins the two part Judge Dredd "What The Hitler Saw", written by beardy Al Ewing, art by me, lovely colours by Eva De La Cruz, and sexy letters by Annie Parkhouse!
It's bloody great to have another crack at Dredd! I'll do a making of a page post soon, but for now, there was a nice surprise hidden for me on the first page....
A closer look at the credits box....
Finally proof of what you've known all this time, but were too afraid to admit....
(A big kiss to 2000AD's Simon Parr!)
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Hey guys,
Busy, busy, busy here at Gallagher Towers (or spare room in an end terraced house) working on stuff I'll blog about soon.
But in the meantime, please head to the Genre For Japan website, whose charity auction begins tomorrow! You can bid for cool items as varied as signed books, having your manuscript critiqued by an editor, or even appearing as a character in a novel!
I'm contributing the prize of your favourite 2000AD character drawn A3 size (black/white, single character, no background). Item number 99.
The auction ends on Sunday 3rd April.
As you know, I got engaged last November in Tokyo, so I'd really like this auction to go well!
Busy, busy, busy here at Gallagher Towers (or spare room in an end terraced house) working on stuff I'll blog about soon.
But in the meantime, please head to the Genre For Japan website, whose charity auction begins tomorrow! You can bid for cool items as varied as signed books, having your manuscript critiqued by an editor, or even appearing as a character in a novel!
I'm contributing the prize of your favourite 2000AD character drawn A3 size (black/white, single character, no background). Item number 99.
The auction ends on Sunday 3rd April.
As you know, I got engaged last November in Tokyo, so I'd really like this auction to go well!
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