Well I can finally show off this werewolf illustration I did for the top blokes at Renegade Arts Entertainment.
The company's Big Kahuna, Alex Finbow, basically said I could draw ANY horror image I liked for their upcoming print card series, so i immediately thought WEREWOLF! I'd just never had the opportunity to illustrate this classic hairy assed monster, and it literally took me 3 minutes to do the rough drawing below.
Right, turn the lights off, and get under the bed sheet, whilst we take a brief look at how I created the werewolf...
Below is the 3 minute sketch of my first thought which got approved by Alex. I immediately wanted to have the creature in a forest as it's a naturally creepy environment, and I just love drawing them to be honest.

Absolutely awesome old-school werewolf there Leigh. And those tree branches - now you're just showing off!!
Nah, if I was showing off, I'd have drawn him juggling 3 chickens at the same time.
Thank you sir!
Nice stuff!
Hey Rich,cheers matey! Nice that we're able to say that we work for the same company!
If anything, the background makes it special, so I hope it does come across at the printed size.
Thanks alot Alan. Well I think the printed card may actually be around the size of the thumbnail on the post, so it shouldn't be too bad...
This is the dog's danglies! or should that be the wolf's wanger?
Whatever - it's great.
Love the Dredd panels too!
Or canine's co...no, best not...
Thanks Kev!
Awesome piece, thanks for the breakdowns as well-after a few brief introductions to 2000AD over the last 20 years or so (I'm 38 now)-I'm pretty happy to have discovered it full bore lately-been collecting the Dredd case files, Strontium and Nemesis-wow, why these aren't held up as equal with any and all American comics are beyond me.
Having said that, I just ordered the Defoe trade, your art is amazing and looking forward to following your blog. There, have I fawned enough?
Wow, really appreciate it Lee! And welcome to the fold sir--you have good taste!
Yeah, the whole American issue is a bit of a pisser. i don't really understand it myself, considering that the big american companies usually end up poaching 2000AD talent for themselves.
Hope you enjoy Defoe, and thanks again dude!
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