I've not been in years, but Bristol was THE con to go to when trying to break in. I have to say, it was nice being there after all this time and not having to keep an eye out for an editor to pimp my work to...
This time, it was all about hanging at the 2000AD table with my new friends (Rebellion's Pye Parr, Luke Preece and Wiggz), and catching up with a lot of my old friends. And so much fun was had! It genuinely put me on such a high for days afterwards!
Check out these photos, all courtesy of Rebellion's Wiggz...
Above is me pencilling the big ass Dredd pic that would be later given away to a lucky chappy in a draw.
The finished piece! I'm telling you though, that gun was a pain in the ass to draw...whoever designed it needs a punch in the balls...

The next day I decided to tackle something a bit easier for the give away prize--a zombie. Hey kids, it's 2000AD artist Lee Carter!
The finished piece! It was harder than I thought finding the time to do this, as I gladly did sketches for anyone that asked, but also had to finish it before our 2000AD panel that writer Al Ewing was in charge of. The panel in question definitely had its bizarre moments like Al doing an Orville impersonation with the discarded skin of Tharg...?!
Here's me handing the zombie pic over to Jen, the well deserved winner! She even left me a nice message afterwards--makes it all worth it!
I was introduced to a lovely American bloke by the name of Jimmy Aquino of the fantastic podcast, Comic News Insider, who was obviously drunk because he asked to interview me the next day! Make with the clicky HERE to listen to a very funny show--my interview can be found around the 41 minute mark....I warn you, I do attempt to do a Welsh impersonation...

Thank you so much to all of those who stopped by the 2000AD booth to say hi. And good luck to all of you who showed us their portfolios--I've never been to a con where I've seen so many talents that deserve to be getting professional work--hang in there guys, your time will definately come!
I also met Cosmo--possibly the coolest 10 year old I've ever met in my life, and future comic book artist...or actor...
And finally thanks to all my friends, old and new, who made me laugh so bloody hard--you know who you are....
Hi mate,
good to see u at the weekend,
a big big thanks for passing Defoe onto Cosmo, and making his day...
im sure you have a fan for life now :)...been told he has put it in his most treaseurd treaure belongings box
Ah matey, likewise! You are a funny, funny man to be sitting at the booth with.
And it was a genuinely pleasure to get Cosmo the book, though I'm not entirely convinced that's his real name....I'm just gutted I will never meet a cooler 10 year old ever again.
Hi Leigh,
Great to meet you over the weekend!
Twitter says hello too; someone said to come over and say hi during the post con ramblings.
All the best,
Hey Ciaran!
Well Twitter can suck my balls! Ah thanks man. It was great to meet you too mate. Best of luck with teh new colouring gig!
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